Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Took It For Granted....

Well, life has a way of throwing a curve ball your way now and then, and that is exactly what happened to me this weekend -- I went to bed on Sunday night fully expecting to head up north on Monday morning, but instead I developed a 100.4 degree fever during the night!?

Except to go to the hospital to have blood drawn (my numbers were all good, thank goodness!), I was essentially in bed from Sunday morning until today (Tuesday afternoon). And, I'm not sure why, but my left arm and chest are very sore -- to the point that I cannot lift my arm above my head, and I have to really want to move (i.e. turn over in bed) to put up with the discomfort that that creates.

I am hoping that it is just a complication of the fever, or that I used muscles more than I'm used to doing, or ______ (fill in the blank).

My plastic surgeon has me on "just in case" antibiotics, and I really hope a visit to his office (2 hours from home) is not called for. I'll give it a few days and see how I feel. Some times I think it is getting better. Other times I think it is just wishful thinking...

So for now... I am keeping appointments on a daily basis. I picked the boys up from school (to deliver hockey equipment for Shane and drop Tyler off for swimming), and Paul went and picked them up afterward.

One day at a time for a while. Trying to take nothihg for granted. :)

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