Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Evening

It has been almost a week since my first Carboplatin treatment. It was pretty tolerable, except that it made me more tired than usual and my stomach was continuously upset. Not to the point that I could not function, but I did rest/sleep a lot this week. And I found that eating smaller meals and more brothy soups helped my stomach. The effects seem to have worn off now; guess it will be bad for about a week, and then go away.

Dow High has their homecoming dance tonight. Tyler went, Shane did not. Shane went last year. He knows what he is missing (or not).

Monday our kids do not have school, so we are hoping to run up north to our cottage. We want to finish staining the deck, maybe do some indoor painting, and I suspect Paul and the boys will do some fishing. This is a nice time of year -- warm enough to enjoy the days, but not so hot.

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