Thursday, July 3, 2008

First Chemo -- So Far, So Good

I had my first chemo on Monday, and today is Thursday... I have felt surprisingly good -- a little more tired than usual in the evenings, but I am able to rest at night and I wake up reasonably alert. I still anticipate losing my hair in the next couple of weeks. I think that is inevitable?

Yesterday I met Paul for lunch, and then I went to Best Buy and Meijer. That was enough for me, but it was good to be able to get out and do those things on my own strength. It helps a lot that all three boys are gone right now -- the house is nice and quiet. But, overall, I think this chemo will be reasonably manageable for the summer, and I am relieved.

After Labor Day I'll start a new regime (AC) -- two drugs that I took the first time around. We suspect those are the drugs that really knocked me out the first time around, and caused the chemo fog and other problems that I remember. With those drugs, I will definitely need more rest, but by then the boys will be back in school all day. I'll have the house to myself. As much as I hate the schedule, I guess God's timing is working out.

On Monday, I'll have my medi-port installed. This is a short surgery, only about 20 minutes? It takes longer to be prepped and to recover than to actually do the surgery! My oncologist moved my Tuesday to chemo to Monday -- I can have the medi-port put in and receive the chemo in one trip. Paul is most likely not able to go with me to this appointment. We are going to try to work it out that his parents or sister can help me -- I'll have to be at the hospital around 6:00 am, and will need a driver since I'll be sedated. His family is great, so I know this will work out one way or the other.

One lingering concern... My surgery is now 6 weeks past, and I still have an open wound that will not heal. It is just being stubborn. My doctor is watching it, but the more time that passes the more of a concern it is. Chemo slows down any healing process as well, so that adds to the issue.

Paul is golfing this morning, and this is my last day without the boys. I'm going to work on my scrapbooking -- try to find the top of my desk so it is easy to pop downstairs and do a page now and then! Tonight we are going to go out -- I'm feeling good, and we haven't had the kids all three gone in a very long time. Take care, and have a blessed 4th of July weekend!

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