Thursday, November 6, 2008

Back 2 Work

I went back to work at the library yesterday, Wednesday Nov. 5.

I was nervous about getting too tired, but so far it has been fine. Instead of tiring me out, it has almost energized me.

The last couple of days have been slow (not many people in the library), and that is good because I have cobwebs in my brain! People come up and ask a variety of questions, and I have to remind myself how or where to find the answers. This is not like riding a bike -- it takes a while to relearn everything again!

But everyone has been very supportive and patient. I'm getting back into the swing of things, and am glad to be back.

This week I have worked 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. It has worked out wonderfully because I leave work and swing by Shane and Tyler's school to pick them up at 2:30 p.m. Tyler has swim (Dolphins) at Northwood University. We do a loop through the school, and then take Business US-10 to drop Shane off at the hockey arena. He is the team manager for Dow's hockey team. The downside of being a goalie -- a team only needs so many...

Life goes on, but everything still cycles around cancer treatment... My next appointment is Monday, November 10, and I should get a chemotherapy then. I compare a chemotherapy appointment with scheduling the flu -- you know you're going to feel badly for a few days, so you work beforehand to get as much done as possible.

These next few months -- chemotherapy with Thanksgiving and Christmas mixed in -- are going to pass by so quickly. Again, I worry about having the energy to keep up. This year is the first year we didn't do pumpkins for Halloween -- I imagine that some other traditions will go by the wayside with the holidays, as well. Everything is focused on getting through treatment with only the really important holiday traditions taking center stage. That is just the way it will have to be this year.

My hair is starting to grow back, but not enough that I can go without a hat or a scarf. This new chemo is not supposed to make my hair fall out, but it will make it thin.

Everyone has an opinion about the election results. My only observation is that I hope and pray to be around (and well) to vote in then next one. It is not something that I take for granted.

1 comment:

Darla said...

Hi Joan,

I've never read your blog before. I used the link from tnbc. If you have the strength and desire to write a book about tnbc I think it is a wonderful idea. I plan on reading "Walking on Water" regularly. You definitely have your priorities in order and I think I will get much needed inspiration from reading your blog.

Good luck with your treatment and thank you for sharing your blog with us.

God Bless