Sunday, July 19, 2009

Relay for Life 2009

Yesterday was Midland's Relay for Life -- what fun! I'm blessed with a friend in our church who puts her heart and soul into creating a booth for the event every year. She and her large circle of friends put together the BEST booth in the whole event -- quality food, attractive theme for the booth, and lots of warmth and love! I had planned to work a good part of the day, either selling food or walking laps. But, Sharon was gracious to let me just enjoy the day. Liam and I were there on our own, as this is the weekend that Paul and the older boys left for the scouting trip to Philmont. We spent too much money on cheap games, but also participated in the survivor's lap, the care giver's lap and the luminary ceremony. And, it was sweet of Rich to dedicate his walk as "Miss Relay" to me and another neighbor Sue who fought breast cancer this spring. He was a great Miss Relay, and took the prize again this year!

I've done three Komen walks already, but Relay is really a special event. It is very laid back with good music and a strong positive spirit through out the day. I enjoyed spending the day with friends, and just being together. The luminary ceremony at the end of the day is great. Presentations are given at the grand stand, luminaries are lit around the relay track, and then everyone walks around the track, silently, with candles lit. It is touching in a way very unique to Relay.

My birthday was on Friday.... a busy day since Paul and the boys were getting ready to go on their trip. And we could not go out as a family because Paul is still starving (I mean, dieting) himself into oblivion....

Dad's birthday is today.... I still need to call him.... (sheepish grin).

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